Et jordskælv er en rystelse af jorden.
Når to eller flere af jorden konsinent plader støder sammen. Centrummet af jordskælvet hedder epicenter og steddet hvor det sker nede i jorden hedder hypocenteret.
Man måler styrken på jordskælv på richterskalaen. Det er en åben skala der betyder at den ikke har et maksimum.
Det største jordskælv der nogensinde har ramt Jorden er et jordskælv for år siden i Chile. Det blev målt til 9,5 på Richterskalaen og skabte tsunamier der ramte Hawaii og Japan. Det land der bliver ramt oftest er Chile og Japan. for at se de ti største jordskælv kan du besøge min gruppes blogs og se det de står under spørgsmålene nedenfor.
man kan sikre huse mod jodskælv med jordskælvs sikring er i konstruktionen. se videoen neden for for at se hvordan det virker.
An earthquake is a shaking of the earth.
When two or more of the ground konsinent plates collide. The center of the earthquake is called the epicenter and steddet where it occurs in the ground called hypo center.
You measure the strength of the earthquake on the Richter scale. It is an open scale which means it does not have a maximum.
The largest earthquake ever to hit Earth is an earthquake of years ago in Chile. It was measured at 9.5 on the Richter scale and caused tsunamis that hit Hawaii and Japan. The country is being affected mostly Chile and Japan. to see the ten largest earthquakes can visit my group blogs and see what they are in the questions below.
to ensure houses against jodskælv with earthquake insurance in the design. Watch the video over to see how it works.
An earthquake is a shaking of the earth.
When two or more of the ground konsinent plates collide. The center of the earthquake is called the epicenter and steddet where it occurs in the ground called hypo center.
You measure the strength of the earthquake on the Richter scale. It is an open scale which means it does not have a maximum.
The largest earthquake ever to hit Earth is an earthquake of years ago in Chile. It was measured at 9.5 on the Richter scale and caused tsunamis that hit Hawaii and Japan. The country is being affected mostly Chile and Japan. to see the ten largest earthquakes can visit my group blogs and see what they are in the questions below.
to ensure houses against jodskælv with earthquake insurance in the design. Watch the video over to see how it works.
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